Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Transplant Open slated for May 31 in Muscatine

The Iowa Transplant Open Golf Tournament is coming up. Slate for Saturday May 31, 2008 at the Geneva Golf and Country Club in Muscatine, Iowa, the event is one of Team Iowa's largest fundraisers. Gary Dolphin, "The Voice of the Hawkeyes" will be the emcee and honored guest. Registration starts at 11:00. The tournament begins with a shotgun start at 1:00. A dinner reception with silent and live auctions follows the event, at 6:30.

Learn how to participate as a golfer or sponsor:

2008 Transplant Open Flyer

2008 Transplant Open Registration Form

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Informal Meeting April 19 at the Wasserbahn in Amana

Dear Team Iowa members:

If you have questions about the games, medical waivers, transportation, uniforms, housing, or other aspects of this year's trip to the US Transplant Games, THIS IS FOR YOU:

an informal, NON-REQUIRED meeting for Team Iowa Members:

Saturday, April 19
Beginning at 10am and lasting no longer than 2 hours.

Wasserbahn Holiday Inn
Exit 225 off I-80 (Amana Exit)
In the upstairs meeting room.
(There is no elevator access to that room. If this poses a mobility problem for anyone, please call our office at 800-369-3619 to make other arrangements.)

We will serve cinnamon rolls, coffee, and juice at 10am.
We will have samples of some uniform items available in limited sizes for your review.
We will discuss the Team Bus schedule

YOUR QUESTIONS! This is an opportunity to have the conversations you need to make everything clear for the upcoming trip.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Program offers financial help for living donor expenses

If you know someone who is considering becoming a living organ donor (kidney, lung, liver) the National Living Donor Assistance Center (NLDAC) may be able to pay for up to $6,000 of the living donor's (and his or her companions) travel and lodging expenses.

More information is available here on the website livingdonorassistance.org

Bruce Hoffmaster notes that interested people should contact their Transplant Center immediately because it is a prospective payment not a reimbursement payment for costs incurred.

"The timing of their application is critical. People should talk to their transplant center to make sure the center has registered for the program and ask the center about the means test that is applied to applicants to qualify," Hoffmaster says.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Action Alert! Law would extend Medicare drug coverage post transplant

Tell your Senator to support S.2320, extending immunosuppressive drug coverage

NKF is encouraging members of Team Iowa to help build support for legislation that would extend Medicare coverage for life-saving immunosuppressive drugs for the life of the kidney transplant. If passed, patients could continue to receive these drugs under Medicare Part B with the usual premium.

This is a big step forward to preserve the life of kidney transplants.Organ transplant recipients must take immunosuppressive drugs for the life of the transplant to prevent the body from rejecting the organ.

Currently, Medicare pays for most kidney transplants but covers drugs for only 36 months after the transplant as part of the Medicare ESRD benefit. After that, kidney recipients must pay for immunosuppressive drugs through private insurance, public or pharmaceutical programs or pay out-of-pocket (Medicare covers drugs without a time limit if the patient qualifies because of age or disability status).

Immunosuppressive drugs are expensive, but the alternative is even more costly. Medicare spends $17,300 per patient to maintain a transplant, but if the kidney transplant fails, the person returns to dialysis at a cost of over $68,600 per year to Medicare. And because dialysis is physically draining, quality of life often suffers too.

Similar legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives, and Take Action volunteers sent over 1100 letters of support in August and September. Now we need your help to build Senate support for this important legislation.

Read the full text of the proposed legislation here: S. 2320

NKF is encouraging you to write your Senators to ask them to co-sponsor S. 2320. Share your story, or the story of a loved one, about the experience with immunosuppressive drug coverage.

Athletes double check your chosen events!

Dear Team Iowa Athletes,

Thank you for getting registered before the Early Bird Registration deadline yesterday. I am going to list each sport (as a broad category) and those athletes signed up; please review this list and report any corrections you think need to be made. If you wish more specific information about the sports you have registered for, please email me dhagarty@kidneyia.org and let me know what it is you want know – I’ll be happy to furnish additional information.

If you have signed up for a team sport – specifically basketball or volleyball – and you change your mind and do NOT want to participate, it is extremely important that you let us know you are dropping off that team.

Basketball – Nick Titus, Chad Breen, Dan Fitzgerald, Jordan Terrell, Bill Klahn, and Travis Burke

Bowling – Howard Plante, Robby Delzell, Ardy Boucher, Kim Burdakin, Kin Gerlach, Jon Kiser, Autrey Marley, Kathy Miller, Jenni Schreurs, LaVonne Card,
Brandon Dunham, Barb Steele, Jim Steinberg, Angela Boone and Travis Burke.

Cycling – Howard Plante, Cheryl Rainford and John Wright.

Golf – Kelly Gay, David Gutz, Doug Steward, and Don Burman.

Swimming – Brandon Dunham, Cheryl Rainford, Bill Klahn, Kelly Gay, John Greller and John Wright.

Table Tennis – Don Burman, Midge Rollins, Doug Stewart and Paula Wood.

Volleyball – Travis Burke, Chad Breen, Dan Fitzgerald, Terrell Jordan, Bill Klahn, Autrey Marley and Kelly Van Dyke.

Track and Field – Kim Burdakin, David Gutz, Terrell Jordan, LaVonne Card, Linda McGhee, Brandon Dunham, Jim Steinberg, Ken Gerlach, Kathy Miller and Nick Titus.

5K Walk/Run for Organ Donation – Cheryl Rainford, Midge Rollins, Linda McGhee, LaVonne Card, Barb Steele, Kim Burdakin, Ardy Boucher, Jon Kiser,
Jim Steinberg, and John Wright.


Thanks, Diane

Early bird registration is over! Tips for medical waivers

Early Bird registration is over and we have a total of 31 athletes registered for Team Iowa at this time – a total of 101 people counting everybody that is currently registered.

At Bruce Hoffmaster’s request, we need to review the information for medical waivers:

At the time you registered, you should have received a medical waiver via email. If you didn’t get one, you can download one by going to our blog:
and scrolling down slightly – on the left you will see “forms and things to know” – the top item is the 2008 medical waiver. Just click on it and print.

(1) If you need help getting a medical waiver, please email us at dhagarty@kidneyia.org and tell us you need one printed and mailed to you.
(2) The form cannot be filled out before March 11, 2008.
(3) You must complete the form and return it to Bruce Hoffmaster before May 23rd. (On the form it says to return to team manager by June 11, 2008 – however, our team Iowa deadline is to return to Bruce by May 23rd.)

When completing the medical waiver, you MUST follow these rules and make sure these things are done correctly:

(1) Print in blue or black ink.
(2) Athlete completes the first portion of the form –
a. Last name
b. First name
c. Date of birth
d. Organ(s) transplanted
e. Date of last transplant
f. Donor type
g. Athlete’s address, city, state, zip
h. For country – all of us will put USA
i. Answer the question about allergies and bee sting allergies
j. You must furnish a contact name with related contact information – this needs to be somebody NOT attending the Games with you
k. List all prescription and non-prescription meds with dosages – I would suggest you type these on a separate sheet and attach to your waiver
l. List the athletic events you have registered to compete in
(3) The physician completes the next part of the form – (remember physician is a licensed medical doctor familiar with your medical situation – it does NOT have to be your transplant surgeon. It can NOT be a dentist, chiropractor, etc. It MUST be a medical doctor.)
a. Physician must mark (A), (B) or (C)
b. The physician must answer the question about your general health – either “Yes” or “No”
c. The physician must record your blood pressure and answer question about diabetic
d. Physician has the option to describe any other health issues and/or special needs
e. Physician MUST enter either Letter (A), (B), or (C) – the same letter that they marked previously (see #3a above)
f. Physician must enter date of your last physical exam
g. Physician must sign and date, enter pager and fax #
h. Physician must Print name, address, city, state and zip.
(4) Before leaving the physician’s office, please take a moment to sit in the waiting room and use this checklist to be sure that everything has been completed and that it is accurate
(5) Before mailing in your form, you MUST keep a copy of it for your own records. (Things get lost in the mail)
(6) Completed forms must be mailed to

Bruce Hoffmaster, Transplant Social Worker
Mercy Medical Center
1111 – 6th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50314-2611

It would be a good idea to email Bruce at bhoffmaster@mercydesmoines.org or give Bruce a call at 515-643-5288 and tell him the date you are mailing the form – so he will be watching for it.

(7) Once Bruce receives the forms, he must check each item listed above to be sure that these items have been filled out and are accurate.
(8) As soon after May 23rd as he can, Bruce will bundle all Team Iowa medical waivers and send to NKF National certified mail. He will also keep a Xerox copy for his records.

PLEASE NOTE: Periodically, (Between now and May 23rd) I will send out a team email and update everybody on the status of their waivers.
Prior to May 23rd, you may receive an email from NKF National telling you that they have not received your medical waiver yet.
Do not let that bother you – Bruce will be submitting all waivers in one package after May 23rd and before June 11th.

Once national NKF receives the waivers, they also check every item mentioned above.
Failure to accurately and timely complete and submit your waiver can result in disqualification in the Games.
We don’t want that to happen to any of our athletes.

FINAL HINTS: Please, Please ask for help; double-check your waiver before you send it in; don’t wait until the last minute to send it to Bruce; keep a copy for your own records; and make sure that you use this as a check-list – both for the information you filled in and the information your physician filled in.

Bruce and I are here to help you,


Thanks, Diane