Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two news items and two reminders

News item 1: Sad news for Diane Langton

It was announced in the Cedar Rapids Gazette that Jim Wilson, Jr. (age 25) of Oswego, NY died of a heart attack Monday evening. For those of you who have been involved with Team Iowa for the past two or more years, you probably recall that Diane Langton of Cedar Rapids flew to New York in 2004 to donate a kidney to Jim. Diane had no prior contact with Jim or his family. Through her employment at the Gazette, she learned that somebody from Cedar Rapids had promised the Wilsons a kidney for their son, Jim. At the last minute, they demanded money from the Wilsons. Diane thought this was so horrible that somebody from her hometown would do such a thing that she decided to help. She was tested and determined to be a match. Diane was honored at the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival that year for her unselfish and heroic gift of life. The NKF of Iowa was able to bring Jim and his father to Iowa in 2004 to participate in our Cadillac Invitational Golf Tournament held in Cedar Rapids – both Wilsons golfed with Diane’s husband, Rich and Diane rode on the golf cart to cheer them all on. Team Iowa was blessed with the Langton’s participation and presence with us in 2006 At the U. S. Transplant Games. Diane and Rich came to think of Jim as one of their own children.

Rich and Diane – on behalf of Team Iowa, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Read the complete Gazette article

News item 2: The new Team Iowa logo

At the Team Iowa meeting held in November 2007, members were given a chance to vote on keeping our old logo, or changing to a new logo. We presented four or five options for new logos. We have tallied the results of those in attendance and those that responded via email and the winner is…. the little organ people! The logo is owned by the NKF of Iowa as the sponsor of Team Iowa and can only be used on items approved by the NKF of Iowa. If you have any questions about this, please contact me.

Reminder 1: Games Registration: We still have not been given any new information about registration for the Games and how the NKF (National) will handle blocked hotel rooms. As this information becomes available, Bruce or I will forward it to you. We are still anticipating registration to open in early February. Stay tuned.

Reminder 2: Team Iowa contact survey This is a reminder that Shelley will be sending out an email with a survey attached. It is imperative that everybody complete this survey so that we have current contact information for all team members. Failure to complete the survey will result in your name being deleted from the team list.


- Diane L. Hagarty

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