Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3:00 Tuesday: Email Diane or Bruce with needed info!

Dear Team Iowa Members,

This email will require a reply from each of you…..Please read it all of the way through and respond.

At the last team meeting, we talked about the option of blocking rooms. We stated that you, individually, would be responsible for one night’s stay if you cancelled and we couldn’t fill your room. We have decided to change that to $100 instead of one night’s stay – depending upon which hotel you stayed in could run $104 to $134 plus tax.

The reason for this change is because: If you register and opt out of the block AND then you have to cancel your reservation you are going to be charged $100 by the national office. Again, to clarify:

If you register for the Games and make your own housing reservation – and then for some reason you have to cancel your room reservation after March 31, 2008 – you will be charged $100 by the national organization as a penalty for cancelling.

So, there is no incentive to “doing your own thing” vs. “being a part of the team”. Either way, if you register and cancel, you are going to be out $100 for the hotel room. Therefore, we want to encourage everybody to stay in a block – this will make managing the team much easier, improve communication, provide more opportunities for socializing with each other and allow for some group activities. The opportunity to “block rooms” is due in part to the request from the team members to be able to stay together at the Games.

In order for us to get a Code # for you to enter for the room block, we need to give national an estimate of the # of rooms we want to block.

Keeping in mind that no more than 4 people can share a room, please reply with the # of rooms you would like.

Thanks for your prompt attention to this.

--Diane and Bruce

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