Friday, February 22, 2008

Update #8: About the rooms

Dear Team Iowa, (Please read all of the way to the bottom)

Now that you all know where we will be staying – the Marriott City Center Pittsburgh Hotel, I would like to give you some information about the hotels that are serving the Games, how the hotel selection process worked and specific information about our hotel and the venues we will be using at the Games.

(1) First, remember that there is free transportation that will run from all hotels to all of the Games venues. You do not need a car when you are at the Games. Everything is easily within walking distance or you can use the free transportation provided by nkf national. As long as you register and book your hotel through the on-line registration system, you will receive a free transportation pass. If you choose not to book through the registration site, you will need to pay for transportation passes for each person attending the Games in your room.

(2) According to information I have received from the NKF, National, There are a total of 8 official hotels for the Games.

we are very lucky to be in one of the closest hotels to the Convention Center!

(3) How were we assigned our particular hotel? Several months ago, each team was asked if they were interested in “blocking” rooms so their team could stay together. If we were interested in this, we were asked to estimate how many rooms we would need. Based upon these numbers, nkf National looked at the quantity of rooms available in each hotel and “assigned” each team to a hotel. However, this was all done at the national level and not shared with the affiliates or team managers. So, none of us had any idea which hotel our team might be assigned to. Then, the final step took place this week – in order to get a code # for our block of rooms, I was required to sign a contract with NKF National stating how many rooms we were blocking for Team Iowa. This is a binding contract and we will be responsible for filling our rooms or paying a penalty. That is why I needed to know, this week, how many people were actually willing to commit. I appreciate all of you responding in a timely manner. We have some flexibility in our block, but not much. That is why I need to know who is in the block, how many rooms they need, etc., etc.

(4) Website for our hotel is:

(5) Finally, for those of you who have attended the past couple of Games, you know that being in a block of rooms was not allowed by NKF National. They have agreed to try it this year to see how it goes. So, if you, as Team Iowa members, want this option in the future, it is important that we all work together so that this is a successful trial year. NKF National is doing this because you, the athletes, have said you like staying together as a team. If you have questions, please let me know.

Thanks and GO TEAM IOWA!


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