Friday, February 29, 2008

Update #19: Survey #2, Living Donors

A couple of things:

(1) Please complete the survey sent to you by Shelley Knepper via survey monkey. We need this information as soon as possible so that we know if we have enough hotel rooms in our block to accommodate everybody, what size bus to rent, what types of items to consider for uniforms, and to match up athletes for doubles and team events.

(2) Living Donors. We have been asked about sending living donors to the Games at Team Iowa expense. Those of you who have gone in the past know that Team Iowa has sponsored non-related living donors as team members. If you know of somebody that should be considered for this, please email me and provide their name, phone, address, and describe the circumstances of the living donation – approximately when it took place, what transplant center, and how (or why) they became a donor.

NOTE: At this time, we will not consider sponsoring a living donor that we have sponsored for a previous Games OR a living donor that donated to a spouse, parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.

Any questions about this, feel free to contact Diane.

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